Owl Pellets, Owl Education Materials, Activities & Owl Crafts for Kids

Nature Watch offers many types of owl crafts for kids. We carry both natural and synthetic owl pellets for you to use in your owl pellet dissections. We have also created an Owl Food Chain Activity Kit to help kids understand the food web.  

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Item #400z
Item #146
Item #831c
Item #400k
Item #806y
Item #806i
Item #211a
Item #410r
Item #430b
Item #821n
Item #431f
Item #406y
Item #505p
Item #614J
Item #282e
Item #821p
Item #408x
Item #507h
Item #460k
Item #637h
Item #H400
Item #617u
Item #411u
Item #430a
Item #603x
Item #400f