National Butterfly Day is coming! This little-known celebratory day on March 14th makes it the perfect time to introduce children to the mysteries and wonders of these amazing creatures. This is especially important because an increasing number of butterfly species are becoming endangered, and even the glorious Monarch butterflies are at risk.
We hope that children will love learning about butterflies so that they’ll take steps to preserve this glorious species when they’re older. Here are some ideas that can help show off the magic of butterflies.
Top 5 Butterfly Activities for Kids & Students:
Invite butterflies to your home/school:
There is no better way to familiarize yourself with butterflies than by getting up close and personal. These gentle creatures are entirely harmless to people, so they’re ripe for interaction. If you already have butterflies nearby, a butterfly feeder is the perfect way to attract them to a windowsill. Or, to expand your lesson into an example of how butterflies interact with the environment, try planting a butterfly garden and create a welcoming environment in which to study them.
Learn about their life cycle:
Undoubtedly, one of the most amazing aspects of butterflies is their transformation and the mysteries of the chrysalis. This can be illustrated with Life Cycle Stages Figurines, Butterfly Life Cycle Magnets, or with a Life Cycle Display with real preserved examples.
Cultivate your own butterflies:
Want to witness the miracle of metamorphosis up close? A butterfly pavilion kit comes with everything you need – including a coupon for 10 caterpillars, which will become Painted Lady butterflies. You can release them to join the natural world – doing your part to save the species and enhancing the ecology.
Decorate with posters:
Posters are always a great way to transform a classroom, while reinforcing lessons. With colorful and detailed posters that include the Butterfly Life Cycle, Moths Of The World, and Butterflies Of The World, students can find resources and references while enjoying the breathtaking sights of unique butterflies.
Identify butterflies, moths, and caterpillars in the wild:
There are over 20,000 species of butterfly around the world, including 725 species in the US and Canada. Children can learn to identify them with books such as the Butterflies & Moths Pocket Naturalist Guide, the Peterson’s First Guides to Caterpillars and Butterflies, or for younger students, the Take Along Guide. And, of course, if you’re going into the wild – don’t forget your butterfly net! Take kids on an outdoor adventure to identify and enjoy butterflies in their natural habitats.
Nature Watch Encourages The Next Generation of Conservationists
Nature Watch helps children of all ages get in touch with their natural surroundings! With activities that foster a love of the outdoors and environmental sciences that can be initiated indoors and out, educators trust Nature Watch to provide the most engaging crafts and accessories to make learning fun. Click here to see our full range of butterfly activities for kids, nature education materials, books, and other teaching tools for students.