Bring The Outdoors Indoors With Rock And Mineral Activities

Maintaining nature studies during the winter can be a challenge, particularly if you’re in an area that sees harsh weather conditions making the outdoors inaccessible.  Taking children out on field trips may not be an option.  So, how do you keep up nature studies when going outside isn’t on the table?  Bring nature to the table…in the form of rocks and mineral activity kits.

Mineralogy on its own is an engaging way to learn about earth’s natural resources, but it also reinforces historical lessons surrounding mining, geography, prehistoric life and provides other educational opportunities.

Top Rocks & Mineral Activities for Kids:

Break-open geodes:  

Break-open Geodes

Geodes are truly one of the mineral marvels of nature. On the surface, they seem like ordinary rocks, but break them open, and it reveals a beautiful crystal diorama formed over millions of years.  Nature Watch has an assortment of geodes in a variety of sizes – perfect for kids to break open and discover.  Or, select a kit that includes additional reinforcement activities that adds to your curriculum.

Natural lodestones:  

Rock Activities for Kids: Lodestones

There’s no end to the fun and educational opportunities that come with magnetism, and lodestones are particularly fascinating due to their natural origins.  You can easily obtain lodestones by the pound, ensuring that everyone in your group has the chance to play and learn.  Or, experiment with combinations of lodestones and artificial magnets to see what the children can discover.

Simulated mining:  

Mineral Activities for Kids: Simulated Mining

Check out Mine Rough bags – a great way to illustrate the “random” nature of mining, or otherwise searching for minerals in the earth’s crust.  Each bag contains an amount of sand, along with a selection of gems, minerals, or fossil materials.  Every bag yields a different outcome and an exciting lesson that kids anticipate.

Mineral testing kits:  

Rock and Mineral Activities for Kids: Mineral Testing Kits

Now that your students have found some interesting-looking rocks… explore further and find out just what exactly is in them.  With mineral testing kits you get everything you need to take samples and test them, along with several genuine mineral examples including quartz, magnetite, and calcite.

Rock collection sets:  

Mineral Activities for Kids: Rock Collection Sets

Want a full display-ready set of rocks and minerals, ready for years of teaching opportunities?  Look no further than this rock collection set. From large selections of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, to gems and crystals, it’s a display piece that will last for ages (and subsequently, teach about the ages as well.)

Go Inside Out with Nature Watch

Nature Watch doesn’t just scratch the surface with lessons on rocks and minerals, we help you delve deeper by cracking open the secrets they hold. Discover the origins, the beauty, and the meaning of earth’s natural resources with Nature Watch. Our engaging teacher resources encourage children of all ages to get in touch with their natural surroundings. With activities that foster a love of the outdoors and environmental sciences, educators trust Nature Watch to provide the most engaging crafts and accessories to make learning fun.  Click here to see our full range of nature education materials, books, and other teaching tools.