Protecting Our Rainforests – The Lungs of Our Planet

Teaching Kids About Rainforests with Rainforest Craft Kits and Books

Like much of the world, we’re deeply saddened and concerned about the recent news regarding the Amazon rainforest burning uncontrollably. Our world’s rainforests are among our most important natural resources.  They’re often referred to as the lungs of the planet because they play a huge role in converting carbon dioxide into the oxygen that most creatures on Earth need to breathe.  Plus, they’re home to amazing ecosystems like none other, and a source of endless fascination for people of all ages.

You may have recently found yourself having to discuss rainforests with your children or students, or perhaps you just want to help impress upon them how important these natural wonders are.  Either way, Nature Watch rainforest crafts, kits, and selection of engaging books can help educate youth and evolve a new generation of conservationists in the process.

Ways to Learn About Rainforests:

Rainforest Food Chains Book:  

This is a perfect introductory primer talking about how diverse and complicated rainforest ecosystems are.  This rainforest craft covers both plant and animal life, and also includes a section discussing current threats to the rainforests – humans included. It’s both interesting and thought-provoking and easier for an elementary school audience to understand.

Tropical Rain Forest – One Small Square

It can often be difficult for anyone, even adults, to understand just how dense life is within rainforests.  That’s what this book addresses.  It illustrates how much life can be found, even within very small sections of forest. An intricate look into a vast eco-system filled with new and exciting species.

Rainforest Ramble Tagua Nut Activity Kit

This rainforest craft kit helps illustrate how diverse and useful products from the rainforest are – such as using slices of sustainably farmed tagua nut.  Tagua nut, also called vegetable ivory, has been traditionally used in art for thousands of years – and now students can make their own. You can also order bags of 25 tagua nut slices separately for individual rainforest craft projects.

Note: These are tree nuts and so there is a small possibility of triggering nut allergies, although the nuts are not edible or intended for any kind of consumption.

Rainforest Food Kits:  

We also get plenty of edible goodies from rainforests, and what better way to illustrate this by helping children make their own?  We have rainforest crafts for making chocolate, gummies, and chewing gum – only using sustainably-collected ingredients, of course. These are fun projects that entertain children while teaching about different plants and resources from the rainforests.

Note: The chewing gum kit contains latex, and therefore may trigger latex allergies.

Nature Watch Rainforest Crafts, for Experiential Learning

Nature Watch is dedicated to helping you teach children about preservation, conservation, and the importance of our eco-system. Encourage children of all ages to get in touch with their natural surroundings through activities and rainforest crafts that foster a love of the outdoors and environmental sciences. Trust Nature Watch to provide the most engaging crafts and accessories for experiential learning.