Take a Hike: Woodland and Forestry Activities for Kids

hiking is one of the best woods activities for kids to learn about nature

Spring is in full swing, and as we head into summer, a lot of hikers and naturalists will be headed into the woods.

There’s no better time to explore local forests and woodlands. Whether a solo hike, leading a group on a trail for a day-trip or an overnight camping expedition, gear up for an excursion in the wild. You have a unique opportunity to introduce children to the wonders of nature, and with Nature Watch books and woods activities, you’ll do more than look around, you’ll engage in your natural surroundings.

Three Great Learning Woods Activities for a Lifetime of Outdoor Appreciation

1 – Navigating the Great Outdoors

these binoculars are a great woods activity for kids

Knowing how to navigate without the of a GPS is a life skill everyone should know – and the forest is an ideal place to teach this.  Armed with a traveling compass and binoculars, and a map of your local area, your child will have everything they need to start charting a course.  Nature Watch accessories, instructional manuals, and starter kits will help them learn how to use these tools appropriately. Once they’ve gained a little confidence in their skills, they’ll be able to get around even if their cell phone is out of range.

2 – Fire Starting

this fire making kit is one of the best woods activities for kids

A basic survival skill, learning how to make fire from the materials around you can one day save their life allowing for potable water and cooked food.  Teach your child the basics with a fire making kit.  This recreates techniques used by Native Americans and is 100% functional.  (Parental/teacher supervision is necessary)

3 – All Creatures Great and Small

bug catcher magnifier is a great woods activity

Lurking in the woods are creatures from the furry to the microscopic.  Some are hard to miss, and others are hard to find. Using an aquascope and a bug catcher magnifier children will be able to take a close look at all the critters below their feet. Finding larger animals in the woods can be a great activity by itself.  Often, all you need is a good mammals tracks and scats guide and nature will lead you straight to a great show.  Or, if you’re looking for specific animals, give the child a replica track for reference.

Take a Hike with Nature Watch’s Woods Activities

Nature Watch encourages children of all ages to get in touch with their natural surroundings. With woods activities that foster a love of the outdoors and environmental sciences that can be initiated indoors and out, educators trust Nature Watch to provide the most engaging crafts and accessories to make learning fun.  Click here to see our full range of nature education materials, books, teaching tools, and other woods activities.