Bird Crafts & Activities For Kids

Nature Watch offers wonderful products to help teach kids about bird songs, bird tracks and bird orders. Use our bird crafts for kids to build a bird feeder or create an Audubon bird call! We also carry replica bird tracks and the Birdsong Identiflyer to help you identify birds out in the field.

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Item #T-Eagle
Item #817m
Item #643m
Item #809h
Item #813f
Item #813d
Item #831G
Item #152
Item #122
Item #610w
Item #425w
Item #134
Item #813z
Item #817n
Item #809g
Item #604w
Item #816q
Item #604y
Item #813g
Item #809f
Item #813b
Item #809m
Item #809e
Item #809p
Item #813h
Item #816u
Item #816e
Item #813c
Item #809d
Item #809n
Item #816n
Item #612b
Item #316f
Item #823k
Item #823g